Fumadocs has built-in support for internationalized routing.
You can define a list of supported languages and pass it to i18n utilities. Read
Next.js Docs
to learn more about implementing I18n in Next.js.
Put all supported languages in a file.
export const defaultLanguage = 'en' ;
export const languages = [ 'en' , 'cn' ];
Change your current source configurations.
import { languages } from '@/i18n' ;
import { map } from '@/.map' ;
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source' ;
export const { getPage , getPages , pageTree } = loader ({
Create the middleware that redirects users when missing locale.
import { defaultLanguage, languages } from '@/i18n' ;
import { createI18nMiddleware } from 'fumadocs-core/middleware' ;
import { NextRequest } from 'next/server' ;
export default createI18nMiddleware ({
export const config = {
// Matcher ignoring `/_next/` and `/api/`
matcher: [ '/((?!api|_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico).*)' ],
Create a dynamic route, ensure all special files are nested under
export default function Layout ({ params } : { params : { lang : string } }) {
return (
< html lang = {params.lang}>
< body >{children}</ body >
</ html >
To get the pages of a specific language, use the utilities exported from
import { getPage, getPages, pageTree } from '@/source' ;
// get page tree
// get page
getPage (params.slug, params.lang);
// get pages
getPages (params.lang);
Generate parameters for every language and page.
export async function generateStaticParams () {
return languages. flatMap (( lang ) =>
getPages (lang) ! . map (( page ) => ({
slug: page.slug,